Spotlight | Burkina Faso
Coup leaders leave mines untouched but rattle markets

People in support of the coup that ousted President Kaboré in Ouagadougou, Burkina Faso, 25 January 2022.
People in support of the coup that ousted President Kaboré in Ouagadougou, Burkina Faso, 25 January 2022. © Anne Mimault/Reuters
In view of the widespread insecurity and anti-government protests, the mining sector had been preparing for months for a coup d'état such as the one that took place on 24 January in Burkina Faso. Although it has had only a slight impact on mining operations so far, the coup will make it more difficult to raise funds on foreign markets and will also slow down ongoing reforms. [...]
Published on 26.01.2022 at 05:00 GMT Reading time 3 minutes

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