Mohamed Bazoum tries to revive military cooperation with Bamako

Niger's President Mohamed Bazoum at the Elysee presidential Palace, in Paris, France, 09 July 2021, following a video summit with leaders of G5 Sahel countries.
Niger's President Mohamed Bazoum at the Elysee presidential Palace, in Paris, France, 09 July 2021, following a video summit with leaders of G5 Sahel countries. © Stéphane de Sakutin/Pool/EPA/MaxPPP
Now that the Liptako-Gourma region has become the main centre of jihadist activity in the Sahel, Mohamed Bazoum is trying to revive military collaboration with Bamako. The chances of cooperation have been weakened, however, by mistrust between the Nigerien president and Mali's junta leader Assimi Goita. [...]
Published on 10.05.2023 at 04:40 GMT Reading time 3 minutes
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