In exile in Turkey, Alpha Conde keeps a hand in politics

Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan meets former president of Guinea Alpha Conde at the Vahdettin Mansion in Istanbul, Turkey on 14 August 2021.
Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan meets former president of Guinea Alpha Conde at the Vahdettin Mansion in Istanbul, Turkey on 14 August 2021. © Turkish Presidency/Murat Cetinm/Anadolu Agency via AFP
The former president of Guinea, who has been living in Istanbul since September, still keeps in close touch with several African heads of state. On top of his traditional allies on the continent, he has also renewed contact with his former adversary Umaro Sissoco Embalo, from Guinea-Bissau. [...]
Published on 07.12.2022 at 05:00 GMT Reading time 3 minutes

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