Africa in the Russia-Ukraine war
Russian President Vladimir Putin and participants of the Russia-Africa summit pose for a photo in Saint Petersburg, Russia, 28 July 2023. © Sergey Bobylev/Tass Host Photo Agency/Reuters

Running story
Africa in the Russia-Ukraine war

Despite taking place thousands of kilometres from Africa, Russia's invasion of Ukraine is having a substantial impact on the continent's economies and governments. Facing hurdles in the supply of grain, fertiliser and fuel, and starved of Russian investment, especially in mining projects, African countries are trying to adapt to the crisis while Moscow and Western countries are lobbying hard to bring them into line with their respective positions.

Africa in the Russia-Ukraine war
Russian President Vladimir Putin and participants of the Russia-Africa summit pose for a photo in Saint Petersburg, Russia, 28 July 2023. © Sergey Bobylev/Tass Host Photo Agency/Reuters

New book exposes inner workings of Wagner

Death is our Business is the most in-depth investigation yet into the paramilitary, political and business organisation.

LogoSubscribers only Defence, Business, Diplomacy 06.06.2024

Sergey Lavrov to meet Nguesso in Brazzaville

The Russian foreign minister is due in town on 3 June.

LogoSubscribers only Diplomacy 23.05.2024

Spotlight | Central African Republic
Dimitri Sytyi stealthily rises to helm of Wagner in Bangui

At 35, the head of 'civilian activities' for the Russian paramilitary organisation in CAR is still going strong despite the death of his mentor, Yevgeny Prigozhin. He has now extended his influence to the domains of business and security.

Dimitry Sytyi surrounded by Central African deputies on the steps of the National Assembly in Bangui on 15 October 2021.
LogoSubscribers only Defence, Politics 23.05.2024
Dimitry Sytyi surrounded by Central African deputies on the steps of the National Assembly in Bangui on 15 October 2021.

Opening of Russian cultural centre in Conakry delayed

The opening of a "Russian House" cultural centre in Conakry, announced in October and originally planned for the first quarter of 2024, will be postponed by several months.

LogoSubscribers only Diplomacy 22.04.2024

Russian boats banned from Europe find safe haven in Agadir

After Casablanca-based Chantiers et Ateliers du Maroc was placed into liquidation earlier this year, the shipyard's subsidiary in Agadir is now flying under the Russian flag.

Free access Business 21.03.2024

VTB-África negotiates return to Swift system

After being shut out of the international banking system following Russia's invasion of Ukraine, the Angolan branch of Russian bank VTB has several conditions to meet before it can return.

Free access Finance 14.03.2024

Abuja agrees to Russian potash swap

The Nigerian presidency has had to give up on the idea of selling Moscow's gift at the market price and accept a barter deal after fierce resistance from local fertiliser producers.

LogoSubscribers only Commodity traders 06.03.2024

Angola, Mozambique
Kyiv's bid to win over Portuguese-speaking countries

Ukraine would like to become an observer of the Community of Portuguese Language Countries as it works on reviving its relations with African nations to counter Russian influence - and it already has Angola's support.

Portuguese president Marcelo Rebelo de Sousa and Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky in Kyiv, Ukraine, 24 August 2023.
LogoSubscribers only Diplomacy 06.11.2023
Portuguese president Marcelo Rebelo de Sousa and Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky in Kyiv, Ukraine, 24 August 2023.

Vice President Shettima to blame for Russian fertiliser delay

A shipment of Russian potash, promised to Nigeria months ago, has been plagued by delays. Moscow has tried to use this as a political weapon, blaming Europe for the hold up. But the delay is in fact the fault of the Nigerian vice president.

Nigeria's Vice-President Kashim Shettima shaking hands with Russia's President Vladimir Putin during the second Russia-Africa Economic and Humanitarian Forum in St Petersburg, Russia, 28 July 2023.
LogoSubscribers only Commodity traders, Diplomacy 10.10.2023
Nigeria's Vice-President Kashim Shettima shaking hands with Russia's President Vladimir Putin during the second Russia-Africa Economic and Humanitarian Forum in St Petersburg, Russia, 28 July 2023.

In Focus | DRC
Kinshasa's thorny Kyiv-Moscow balancing act over armaments

The DRC is in negotiations with both Russia and Ukraine to equip its growing army as it steps up its fight against rebel groups in the East. With tensions high over the Ukraine conflict, and Kyiv showing a keen interest in the Congolese army's Soviet arsenal, Kinshasa is having to tread carefully between the two warring nations under the West's watchful eye.

The DRC is in negotiations with both Russia and Ukraine to equip its growing army as it steps up its fight against rebel groups in the East.
LogoSubscribers only Defence 02.10.2023
The DRC is in negotiations with both Russia and Ukraine to equip its growing army as it steps up its fight against rebel groups in the East.

Biya makes overtures to Putin via Indomitable Lions

Cameroon has arranged to play a friendly in Moscow in mid-October. It will be the first football match between an African team and Russia since the invasion of Ukraine in February 2022, and has been actively encouraged by the Cameroonian president.

Cameroonian president Paul Biya and his Russian counterpart Vladimir Putin at the Russia-Africa summit in Saint Petersburg on 28 July 2023.
LogoSubscribers only Diplomacy 28.09.2023
Cameroonian president Paul Biya and his Russian counterpart Vladimir Putin at the Russia-Africa summit in Saint Petersburg on 28 July 2023.

Entebbe serves as key logistics hub for Moscow and Abu Dhabi

For the past few months a flurry of Russian-made Ilyushin cargo planes has been landing at Uganda's main airport. These aircraft are then flown to Central and East African countries in the throes of security and humanitarian crises.

LogoSubscribers only Defence, Diplomacy 12.09.2023

Tshisekedi due in Kyiv before attending Russia-Africa summit

The Congolese president, who confirmed to Moscow that he would be attending the Russia-Africa summit in Saint Petersburg, will nevertheless make a detour to Kyiv before the event, where he will meet the Ukrainian leader Volodymyr Zelensky.

Félix Tshisekedi, at an African Union coordination meeting in Nairobi, 16 July 2023.
LogoSubscribers only Diplomacy 21.07.2023
Félix Tshisekedi, at an African Union coordination meeting in Nairobi, 16 July 2023.

Moscow supplies Bamako with Russian wheat at knock-down prices

Mali's PM Choguel Kokalla Maiga secured the delivery of 50,000 tonnes of grain from Russia between June and July for well below market prices.

LogoSubscribers only Commodity traders 18.07.2023

Comoros islands
African Union chair Azali Assoumani turns his attentions to Ukraine

The Comorian leader, who has held the rotating AU presidency since February, has found himself solicited by both Kyiv and Moscow over the Ukrainian conflict.

LogoSubscribers only Diplomacy 20.04.2023

South Africa
Hurdles hinder launch of Nordwind's Moscow-Pretoria air route

South Africa and Russia want a connecting flight between their capitals, likely run by Russian firm Nordwind. But Western sanctions are getting in the way.

LogoSubscribers only Business, Diplomacy 20.03.2023

East Africa
Helsinki woos East Africa to offset Ukraine war fallout

Western sanctions on Moscow have slashed Finland's exports to Russia, forcing Finnish firms to look for business elsewhere. Helsinki has it sights set on East Africa, where it hopes to open up new trading opportunities.

Finnish Minister of Economic Affairs Mika Lintila in Helsinki, Finland, on 13 September 2019.
LogoSubscribers only Business, Diplomacy 15.02.2023
Finnish Minister of Economic Affairs Mika Lintila in Helsinki, Finland, on 13 September 2019.

United States
US anti-Russia bill on hold

It is unlikely the halted bill aimed at sanctioning African states deemed too close to Russia will be reintroduced to Congress after the midterms in November. The Senate sees the text as counterproductive and poorly presented.

LogoSubscribers only Diplomacy 25.10.2022

Cairo banks on IMF to save wheat-starved private flour mills

The state body that provides wheat for Egypt's subsidised bread programme has agreed to supply private millers to help them through a crisis that has shut most of their mills. But this is a stop-gap measure, with the country hoping that an IMF loan will provide long-term relief.

LogoSubscribers only Commodity traders 24.10.2022

Africa, Switzerland, UAE
Litasco shifts to Dubai to circumvent Ukraine sanctions

The trading arm of the Russian oil giant Lukoil, which until now has been run from Geneva, is gradually moving to Dubai in order to continue its activities in Africa despite sanctions imposed after the invasion of Ukraine.

LogoSubscribers only Energy, Commodity traders 21.10.2022

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