Central bank turns up heat on TPLF's khat baron backers

The deputy governor of the National Bank of Ethiopia has sent a letter to the heads of all the country's commercial banks ordering them to close the accounts and freeze the assets of businessmen figuring on its list of suspected TPLF supporters. [...]
Published on 28.01.2021 at 05:00 GMT Reading time 2 minutes

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Further reading

In Focus | Africa, Russia
Russia's BPC group aims to tighten its grip on African banks' e-money systems

As mobile payment continues to develop rapidly in Africa, one of the groups best positioned to take advantage of the boom is a little known company operating out of Switzerland, Dubai and Russia. BPC Banking Technologies is one of the pearls of Russian technology like anti-virus producer Kaspersky and, although it is officially private, it has the backing of Russia's leading state-owned bank.

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