Ferdinand Ngoh Ngoh gets his hands on oil refining and transport

The recent shuffling of management teams at Cameroon Oil Transportation Company and Société Nationale de Raffinage has underlined the grip of the Secretary General of the Presidency (SGPR), Ferdinand Ngoh Ngoh, on both companies. [...]
Published on 19.02.2024 at 04:40 GMT

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Further reading

Cameroon, Chad
Ferdinand Ngoh Ngoh battles it out with SNH boss Adolphe Moudiki over Savannah Energy affair

The Cameroonian government has been caught up in an internal crisis since the SNH bought a 10% stake in the company running the oil pipeline between Doba and Kribi. In a series of letters seen by African Intelligence, presidency secretary general Ngoh Ngoh and SNH boss Moudiki have been locked in a violent dispute over the operation.

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