Spotlight | Congo
Brazzaville suffers major setback in Commisimpex arbitration in Paris

Denis Sassou Nguesso at Brazzaville airport in March 2023.
Denis Sassou Nguesso at Brazzaville airport in March 2023. © Jacques Witt/Pool/
An arbitration court in Paris has rejected Congolese President Denis Sassou Nguesso's latest appeal to overturn a tribunal ruling ordering Congo to pay over $1.5bn to Mohsen Hojeij's company, Commisimpex. It's a legal setback that exposes the methods of the lawyers and private investigators hired by Brazzaville to try to establish a corruption link between the Lebanese businessman and one of the arbitrators. [...]
Published on 07.11.2023 at 04:40 GMT Reading time 5 minutes Joan Tilouine

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