Oligui Nguema and Ouattara set to finally meet

Transitional President Brice Clotaire Oligui Nguema has been trying for several weeks to build closer ties with Abidjan. The Gabonese military officer hopes to visit Ivory Coast by the end of the year. [...]
Published on 02.11.2023 at 04:40 GMT

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Further reading

Palace Intrigues
Félix Tshisekedi, David Cameron, Faure Gnassingbé, Alassane Ouattara, Guillaume Soro

Intrigues big and small... Every Thursday, Africa Intelligence takes a peek into the corridors of power in Africa and beyond.

DRCWill Cameron get through to Tshisekedi?

Ivory Coast/TogoOuattara and Gnassingbé's discreet tête-à-tête in Riyadh

NigeriaOlivier Becht keeps billionaire company in Lagos

Ivory CoastExiled opposition figure Guillaume Soro back in Africa

LogoSubscribers only Politics, Business, Diplomacy 16.11.2023

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