Tunisia : The Top 50 Investors This Year
The heavyweight investment champion in Tunisia in 2006 is the local Mabrouk group, which started out making biscuits and canned [...]
The heavyweight investment champion in Tunisia in 2006 is the local Mabrouk group, which started out making biscuits and canned [...]
Two lawyers have been called in by the prosecutor in Rabat after claiming a new case of a terrorist network [...]
The Algerian cabinet hasn’t met for the past six weeks. [...]
The tightening of bonds between Algeria and South Africa continued [...]
In what was a fine public relations move by BP, [...]
Originally planned for 2008, the end of Altadis’ monopoly on [...]
Private investors from the Gulf are showing increasing interest in [...]
Muammar Gaddafi received the chairman of the Senate’s legal committee, [...]
According to an annual survey of the Tunisian American Chamber [...]
The Tunisian government has decided against retaining the Rothschild bank [...]
Groupe Doghri (Tunisia), which is controlled by the Doghri brothers [...]
Sogreah has won the contract to identify water supply sources [...]
Sonatrach (Algeria) has unexpectedly failed to pre-qualify for a EUR1.2 [...]
Credit Lyonnais is to bid to conduct a study and [...]
CSCEc (China) has been contracted by the Algerian authorities to [...]
Dubai Holding Co., whose Tunisian partner is the Trabelsi group, [...]
Holding degrees in Chinese and Indonesian languages, Bertrand Lavezzari was [...]
The Libyan police general Toumi Massoud El Kilani is to [...]
The chief executive of ETAP (Entreprise Tunisienne d’Activites Petrolieres), Kais [...]
A printing company executive, Moncef Ben Jemaa, just missed out [...]
The former publisher of the pro-government newspaper group La Presse [...]