Libya : Honeymoon Starts for Bush & Kadhafi
The free run that French and European companies enjoyed in Libya is over. On May 15 Washington removed Libya’s name [...]
The free run that French and European companies enjoyed in Libya is over. On May 15 Washington removed Libya’s name [...]
A new bill on religious proselytising, which is apparently aimed at Evangelical movements, provides for long prison sentences for offenders. [...]
Political circles are expecting a "limited" cabinet re-shuffle at the [...]
Maghreb Confidential understands that the prosecution will spare the "small [...]
A merchant bank based in Geneva, Swisscorp, plans to begin [...]
Algeria expects investors to snap up its treasury bills which [...]
In the wake of France’s Societe Generale and BNP Paribas, [...]
King Mohammed VI attended a naval show in Agadir bay [...]
Morocco’s Regie du Tabac, which has been controlled since 2003 [...]
Haj Glai, chief executive of Tunisia’s postal service, would like [...]
Active in the transformation and sale of coffee since the [...]
The Tunisian communications group Karoui & Karoui World has submitted [...]
Banque Internationale Arabe de Tunisie (BIAT), the country’s top private [...]
Total is still interested in building and/or acquiring a network [...]
Park Air Systems (U.K.) has been contracted by Algeria’s air [...]
Naftachin, a new joint Chinese-Algerian firm based in Adrar, intends [...]
Societe Generale Suisse (SGS) and Ivesur (Spain) are vying with [...]
Isis (France) is conducting a study on fitting out 100 [...]
Studiotech (Belgium) has won a new contract from Algeria’s state-controlled [...]
Stucky/Enhyd (Switzerland/Algeria) has been selected by Algerienne des Eaux to [...]
As expected, the North Africa-Middle East director at the French [...]
. A long-standing rival of Abdallah Sennousi, brother-in-law of Muammar [...]
Will the chief executive of Best Bank, Aissa Hidouci, remain [...]