Morocco : Still Desperately Lacking in Oil
With Mauritania about the pump its first barrel of oil from the Chinguetti field operated by Australia’s Woodside Petroleum, Morocco [...]
With Mauritania about the pump its first barrel of oil from the Chinguetti field operated by Australia’s Woodside Petroleum, Morocco [...]
At present it takes no less than 23 days to retrieve merchandise from Algerian ports, some of which have trouble [...]
Asked in the French parliament by center-right legislators Frank Gilard [...]
Algeria’s regional development and environment ministry has deployed a nation-wide [...]
At the initiative of the US Algeria Business Council – [...]
Morocco remains one of Washington’s leading allies in the Arab [...]
Foreign stakeholders in Moroccan banks accounted for 22% of the [...]
The U.S. Commerce Department has just published an updated report [...]
No less than 12 tour operators cancelled their reservations in [...]
The Fitch credit rating agency is locked in a fight [...]
In a move to bolster its pharmaceutical industry, Tunisia has [...]
AAVB (Agence pour l'Amenagement de la Vallee de Bouregreg) is [...]
CNCP, the China National Petroleum Corp., is about to complete [...]
KBR (Kellogg Brown & Root) is scheduled to complete construction [...]
MEDCOM/FONO, an affiliate of Tunisia’s Loukil group, is seeking a [...]
MEDEF, the French employers federation, will focus a lot between [...]
Last October it was thought the skids were under Tunisian [...]
Earlier this week, the Austrian far right leader Jorg Haider [...]
. The French left-wing legislator Chantal Robin-Rodrigo questioned French foreign [...]