North Africa
North African Stock Exchanges in Doldrums
"Unlike other Arab markets, stock exchanges in North Africa have failed to profit from low interest rates on capital markets [...]
"Unlike other Arab markets, stock exchanges in North Africa have failed to profit from low interest rates on capital markets [...]
The governement has failed to reach an agreement with stevedores concerning reforms in Casablanca port and a strike could be [...]
Multinational corporations operating in Algeria have all declared war on [...]
France’s Auchan has decided to build 10 hyper-markets in Algeria’s [...]
A new firm named Societe Tuniso-Algerienne de Ciment et Derives [...]
The Moroccan authorities claim to be strongly opposed to Islamic [...]
Upline Securities and Agro-Concept have won a tender to conduct [...]
The companies that have been short-listed to build and manage [...]
The government plans to hand Tunisair an annual subsidy of [...]
A former leading member of the Union Generale Tunisienne du [...]
The French bank Calyon was commissioned a few weeks ago [...]
Embraer, the Brazilian aircraft constructor, is to deliver an Embraer [...]
Arab Banking Corporation has penned a memorandum of understanding with [...]
INVAP, a state-owned Argentine company, won a contract put out [...]
John Wood Group, a Scottish energy services company, has acquired [...]
CITIC and CRCC, two Chinese firms involved in Algeria’s huge, [...]
Finalep, an Algerian-European investment concern and the Italian financial services [...]
Danone is seeking to expand in Algeria and has set [...]
The chief of the Europe department at Libya’s foreign ministry, [...]
Somewhat discreet up to now, Mouatassim Kadhafi, son of Libya’s [...]
A Libyan imam, Ahmed Sherif, met with French interior minister [...]
The president of the opposition party Forum Democratique pour le [...]
The founder of the electronic journal Webmanagercenter, Hachemi Ammar, is [...]